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Language: english

* Standard profile

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Business type: Services
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2001


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Firm Rank: 0

Harish Properties is a professionally managed real estate consultant that provides valuable and beneficial advice regarding real estate properties. The organization helps clients with complete legalities regarding sale, rent or purchase of the properties in any part of Rajasthan. Our services can be sought for residential, commercial, lease out, industrial as well as agricultural property. Thus, if you are in the need of any of our real estate services, feel free to contact us at the earliest instance for the best deals.

Property Dealer
The organization deals in buying and selling of residential and commercial properties as per the government norms. Our services include all activities from buying and selling to renting and leasing of residential and commercial properties.

Address data

Street:Sardarpura, Jodhpur
Postal code:342001
Phone: +91 291 9414208854


Contact person

Name and Surname: Ranveer Vaishnav
Phone: +91 291 9414208854
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